Friday, September 25, 2009

Dental (DREAM) School!

After a rigorous week of doing absolutely nothing, I woke up at 6:30 on Monday morning to attend my Loma Linda School of Dentistry orientation. They have New Student Orientation at BYU, and I went to about an hour of it before I decided it was completely ridiculous. So I went with about the same mindset: endure for a few hours then move on with my life. Well, LLUSD orientation is a mandatory 4 days. FOUR. It starts at 8 every morning and sometimes doesn't get out until 5:30. that is 9.5 hours of orienting, per day.
There were some ups and downs. For example: we got free lunch everyday! But it was either vegetarian or vegan. We (the hygienists) had the same orientation as the dentists, which was not always applicable, but it was more fun because there were more people. Even if they have a superiority complex. I got to use a fire extinguisher for the first time!! It was exciting. :) I didn't win any of the raffle prizes, which was sad because they were all Jamba, Subway or Panera gift cards.
The most welcoming bit of news was the acceptance of scrubs. Waking up every morning and then having to find 'Professional' clothing was exceptionally challenging for me. Now the only choice I will have to make will be light or dark blue? Don't get me wrong, I love clothing. I love jeans, and t-shirts, and tennis shoes. I really love ball gowns and party dresses. Silk and cashmere are my favorite staples, but when it's 107 degrees outside, and 58 degrees inside, everything becomes a challenge. I think I have definitely picked the right school and occupation for myself, and I couldn't be happier about it! I am not allowed to wear jewelry, make-up is discouraged and hair needs to be kept our of the face. Clothing is scrubs and white shoes. Jared remarked that is was astounding I found a school that not only tolerated this, but made it mandatory. Plus, it's Christian and they have Bible studies and devotionals. For me, this is a dream come true.


  1. Congratulations! I've had many a friend become the dental hygenist and they love it:) Being in nursing school has pretty much the same dress code...cept our srubs are a perfect shade of white:( Good Luck:)

  2. Oh how I would love to wear the scrubs...I think that should be the professional wear of mothers as well...I should start a petition.

  3. First things first, love the Boston post. Maine looks lame (okay, maybe not), but we're glad you came and hope you enjoyed yourself.
    Second, I'm glad the scrubs are going to good use! Though I think you should wear all the maternity-themed ones with babies and storks on them... it would be so precious! =) Glad you're liking school. And don't let those dental students' heads get too big! They will need to save a little space to cram in a few facts besides how great they are. We know it's all about the hygienists.
