Thursday, December 16, 2010

What a Quarter!

Well I just finished my 5th quarter at Loma Linda, and I only have 2 left to go!! I am so excited and so happy that someday I will be done. Someday I will get off work, and go home and read a book. Or watch tv. Or go cycling. But I will not do homework. I will no longer have to study for a POP from Mrs. Hurlbutt. I will be free. They will be paying ME not the other way around. Appointments won't take three hours because I have to be supervised and get clinic checks and have everything signed off.
So much has happened this quarter, I got a little niece (Well a cousin-niece, but a niece nonetheless), survived the dinosaur museum in Lehi - the largest in North America no less, watched Beethoven's 4th at the Hatch in Boston - as the sun set and the sailboats returned, visited Salt Lake City with my dear flight attendant friend Janelle, had my first picture taken with Wes (after only 4 years or so), gave an oral hygiene presentation to a group of 6th graders, and conducted my first research project. I went swing dancing with Bill Nye the Science Guy in Pasadena, and returned again on Halloween to go swing dancing dressed as Athena accompanied by a man in a red speedo. Indeed it has been a busy quarter. I even got some little pet chickens. Cute little buddies who keep the whole family entertained. It's the start of my last year at Loma Linda *WWOOOO* and it's going to be the first Christmas with 4 little kiddos to open presents on Christmas morning.
Overall, I would say this has been a great year, full of wonderful happy things. I am so grateful and happy to be part of such a fantastic family, and to be in the program that I wanted to badly to get into. I'm grateful that I get to come home everyday and live (and bike) in such a beautiful city. I love visiting my Auntie so close by and my mom's exaggerated enthusiasm over lights and her need to buy anything and everything for her grandchildren (as long as she saves some energy for my kids far off in the distance). I'm grateful for Skype so I can see my family, even when they are in Boston. I'm grateful for rain boots and car safety features. I love everything so much, and I am so glad that I get to be a part of everything.

Sometimes I Just Miss My Cousin

I wasn't raised with any sisters. I inherited sisters as my brothers grew up and married beautiful, wonderful women. But then I had married sisters, and it's just not quite the same. So the closest thing I had growing up was a cousin (two really, but one a little closer). Jacki and I went swimming and tanning together, ate regularly at Del Taco, had insanely different music preferences, took Calligraphy together, lived together at BYU, made a lot of cheese enchiladas, and we moved home at the same time so we saw each other all the time. I love Jacki. We spent a lot of time together growing up, and then a lot of time together in college. We even watched West Side Story together (I feel that especially bonds people). And when we were here this summer, and I somehow managed to get the lamest dates ever, Jacki made them into third wheel extravaganzas and we still had fun. She was the one who came to get me from Sundance, in the snow, having to get off work, when I tore my ACL. She drove me to my final, got me crutches and spent the night with me to make sure I was ok before going to the hospital the next day. I just love my dear cousin Jacki. The only problem is that she is now on a mission in El Salvador, and while I am so happy for my dear cousin and she deserves all the happiness ever, I miss her an insane amount.
Every time I see something funny, I immediately think, "Oh, I need to tell Jacki!". With every 'indubitably' and 'indeed' that escapes my mouth, I think of Jacki, and eating at the Cheesecake Factory, watching Pride and Prejudice, or celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving. Especially now, as I wait for my family to come for Christmas, I keep forgetting that I'm not waiting for Jacki. I keep trying to remind myself which day she is coming, and I keep forgetting that she's not. So I just wanted to dedicate this little blog to my FC. I love you Kacki and I wish you a happy Christmas and wonderful mission!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010


As we may or may not remember, I love bikes! I think they are so fun. And now with Jack deceased, I decided it was time. Time to finally embrace my love of bikes. So after months of debating, searching Craigslist, searching the newspaper, asking friends if they knew anything about bikes, looking mindlessly through eBay, I finally decided on a bike. The first time I went shopping, it was rainy and I couldn't ride the bikes around. But then finally, this Saturday I woke up and it was so beautiful outside! The sky was blue, the sun was shining, my little chickens were peeping around. And all I wanted to do was ride a bike. I wanted to ride all around. Happily. But I didn't have a bike. :(
So I bravely went to the bike store by myself (it was a big step) and purchased the bike I had been eying for the past month. A WSD Trek. The salesman was super nice, and waited for me while I debated everything, tried on every helmet in the store, biked around the block on a few different bikes (just to be sure), and he even tried on bike shorts with me. By the end I felt like we were friends. He was awestruck with just how "beginner" I was ( I didn't have a floor pump at home?!). So he walked me through the entire process, and told me everything I was going to need (yes to a little seat bag, no to the camel pack).
I don't get to pick it up until tomorrow (they don't carry my color preference), but I am so excited! Sure, I have two finals tomorrow, but afterwards!!! I get to bike around! YAY! Although I might hold off on those bike shorts for a while...

Friday, October 22, 2010

R.I.P. Apple Jack

In what has become one of the most lamentable things in my short life, Apple Jack has passed. Well he didn't just pass, he was brutally murdered. On accident. In an accident.
Poor guy.I miss him. He served me so well. All those long nights back and forth to Utah. Keeping me toasty on my commute to LLU. Cooling me off on those hot afternoons shopping for iPod covers.
Now I'm stuck at home alone on a Friday night because I do not have the means to transport myself anywhere.
Sad Story.

San Onofre

To start off October right, I went on a camping trip! I love camping. I love being outside and smelling campy air, and its even better when its on a beach with new friends. I went down to San Onofre with some people I recently met. We had a blast! It was absolutely gorgeous the whole time we were there, which is nothing like it has been this week (yuck!). Unfortunately, the camp site was 2 feet from the street and 100 yards from the freeway. And a truck weigh station. And a nuclear power plant. Haha. Luckily, I am a really good sleeper (and I had an air mattress). I was able to stay in a mega tent (sleeps like 12, there were 3 of us in there). On Saturday we all trekked down to the beach for games and surfing. I put on my wetsuit only to realize it was too hot for a wetsuit! Then I had to daringly peel it off. Oh the many adventures of a young hygiene student.
It was a lot of fun, especially when it was just three of us that stayed for the second night. There was a lot of bonding.We went to dinner together. Came back together. Only one person brought body wash. So we all smelled like Suave for Kid's Wacky Mellon. And then we shared life stories by the campfire. And went running together. And showered again. All slept in the same tent. Had breakfast together. I feel oddly close to those two now. Did I mention I just met them?

Thursday, September 30, 2010


I'm feeling pretty happy today.
It reminds me of this song.
And makes me feel like dancing, and flying and spinning around in circles.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Mainly Maine

Recently, I went to Boston and I love Boston.
But more than Boston, I love Maine.
I adore Maine.
Here are some highlights about Maine:It has two logos; 1. Vacationland and 2. The Way Life Should Be. Those have to be the coolest slogans ever. Also, they have a license plate that has a lobster and under the numbers it just says Lobster. I love lobster. It's like eating a dream. How AWESOME is that? It's fantastically wonderful and amazing.Also, to get to Maine from Boston you have to go through New Hampshire. Their license plate is Live Free or Die. Also epic.I'm jealous of all these cool state slogans and license plates. Suddenly the Golden State doesn't seem nearly as cool.

Additionally, as we were driving around Brian commented that he would love to live in a castle. Or a cathedral. Guess what we found for sale in Maine? A giant Cathedral. Yes, it is the land where dreams come true. And lastly, there is a 1700 lbs chocolate Moose. Yes. Yes, Maine is The Way Life Should Be.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Career Musings

Recently, I have been looking for places to live once I graduate.
I have decided upon Boston for an immediate first time employment opportunity (among other obvious reasons).
So Boston has: A baseball team, a football team, a basketball team, MIT, Harvard, BU, a culinary school, an ocean, a metro, and Newton was ranked the third best place to live in the country. I also hear there is a rather large and dynamic institute/single's ward. Also, pea coats. And scarves. Men who actually wear scarves. On purpose. It would be like waltzing through a J. Crew catalog. Boston is also home to about 3 dental schools (Tufts, Harvard and Boston University) and no real hygiene schools. Hopefully that means job placement will be fairly easy and straightforward. Who wouldn't want to hire me? I mean, really? I'm awesome!!
But then there is the question: What do I do after Boston? I establish a repertoire of being the best hygienist ever, but I certainly cannot live on the East Coast forever! That's when I discovered The International Federation of Dental Hygienists were I could apply to work in a foreign land. Being limited in the number of languages I know, I narrowed it down to one country, specifically one region, and eventually a city: Geneva.
Geneva was ranked third best place to live in the world. WORLD. Geneva has world famous lakes, mountains and beauty. Plus the language is French, and it's a short train ride away from Paris and the Riviera. Also, it has CHEESE, and bread, and so many other delightful things they are hard to mention. Men also wear scarves in Switzerland. And I could go skiing there. In the Alps. One my goodness what sheer joy and delight! Of course there is the somewhat ginormous possibility that I wouldn't get accepted to the program... so I had to think of other places that might strike my fancy and I came up with:
San Diego.
San Diego was ranked sixth best place in 2006, but was notable absent from the 2010 list. San Diego has the best weather probably in the world. It also boasts a baseball team, and a football team, as well as an ocean. And this one can actually be entered. And surfed in. Home to La Jolla and UCSD, San Diego makes a striking choice. Unfortunately I hear finding a job there is nigh impossible. However, if I live in San Diego I could join a Yacht club. Ok, I probably couldn't but it's a nice thought. Julianne, Yacht Club member. I could carry a card in my wallet. Men do not wear scarves, probably because they don't need to. But they do wear boat shoes because chances are they have a sail boat. Furthermore, San Diego was my dream location when I was 8 years old and wrote an essay about my dream life (Marine biologist, living in San Diego).
But Is San Diego a little too commercial and possibly too crowded? So to round out my possible options of future abodes, I went ahead and threw in Santa Barbara. I don't even know why. Maybe it was the movie It's Complicated. Maybe it's just sheer obscurity. Who knows. Santa Barbara has no football team, there is no baseball team, and I'm guessing only the gay men wear scarves (which isn't a lot of help to me, but they might be nice to gaze upon). They have only a few universities, namely UCSB. But it's a small, quiet, and devastatingly beautiful town. Like my hometown, on the ocean. Additional perk? Very close to Ostrichland, USA. Yes, you read the correctly. Why wouldn't that be a selling point? In addition, they have a mission, and a cute downtown and beaches. Lovely beaches.
Those are all of my options for the coming years of my life. At least all the foreseeable ones. The only similarity they share is a body of water. At least I'm consistent in one thing.
But who knows, maybe I'll just end up going to culinary school after all?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

School in July

Well, I have successfully avoided this moment for the past 22 years. But it has finally hit me. Yes, I had a backpack on my shoulders and slowly wandered into my dismal class on Tuesday, July 6th. What a horrible way to honor America. Two days after celebrating Independence amongst fireworks and a scary Rolling Stones cover band, I was in Etiology and Management of Dental Caries. Boo.
On the bright side, it will be my first and ONLY summer session at school. That's right, in a mere 337 days, I will be done with school. Diploma in hand, certificate in frame. I am really excited, even though 337 days is a really long time, I am already singing that song from a Goofy Movie (The Day After Today).

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My Family is Coming!!

My family is coming to visit this week!! I am so excited!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

I love Macarons!

Last week I went to the mall. I wasn't looking for anything in particular (other than a Hot Dog on a Stick), but I wandered into Anthropology while I was there. I have never purchased anything from Anthropologie although I think they have great door knobs. I just don't have any doors to stick knobs on.
Anyway, I did find something. It was a skinny little book hiding away next to a vegan cupcake book. Vegan cupcakes. I don't even want to know.
But there was this book. It was called I Love Macarons! For those of you who don't know: I LOVE macarons too!!! I used to eat them by the dozen. Maybe kilo (although I was still no match for Claire).
So the book. I hummed and hawed. Then finally decided it fit into my $20 a week budget (it was $14). They wrapped it in paper like it was silk. Ridiculous Anthropologie, ridiculous.
I brought it home and read through it. Admittedly, the first thing I made from it was a banana milk shake. And it was good. But like, how do you mess that one up?
On Sunday, my adventure began! There was no school on Monday and I had the evening at home, largely by myself. I read the book. I rounded up the ingredients, and I gave it a shot.
DISASTER. Not even an honorable mention. Absolutely horrid. The mix was super runny. Got all over the place. I didn't use parchment paper. They were little burned meringues. Horrible. Disaster.
But I was determined. Since seeing those beautiful pictures, I could taste the macaron. I dreamed of them (literally). I missed those little things. I wanted a raspberry one. And a lemon one. And a chocolate. And a strawberry. Maybe even a hazelnut? Oh how I yearned for those sweet little cookies.
Friday was the day. No school Saturday, enough time to make a ginormous mess. So I played it smarter, I researched. I went to Barnes and Noble and looked online to find anything I could about macaron tips. I looked up every step. I even looked into the proper way to beat egg whites. A couple different articles. Found this guy. This may have taken a few hours. Then I donned my apron and set about attempt #2. I wanted a success by attempt #5.
So I set about. Vanilla Macarons. Basic recipe. I chopped, I pulverized, I whipped, I meringued, I macaronnaged. Then I crossed my fingers and put them in the oven: with parchment paper.
Success!! They were the cutest little cookies on the block. I wanted to gobble them up then and there. Unfortunately, I wasn't sure they would turn out so I didn't make any filling. That's when I learned I don't know how to make butter cream ( but I did find out what happens when you burn sugar). That's when I went with chocolate. And added "filling" to my list of things to learn.
Next time macaron. Next time.
Overall, a GREAT success. And I can't wait to try out FLAVORS. So next time anyone visits (except Libby - Almonds AND eggs :( )there will be macarons a plenty.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Good News and Bad News

Good News: Kickball got way more fun! And I had cheerleaders this week! Followed by frozen yogurt. Fantastic!
Bad news: Ol' Lappy breathed his last breath during Oral Pathology (I don't really blame the poor thing) and there will have to be a replacement bought. Research is ensuing. Suggestions and advice are encouraged and highly sought after.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Last week I joined a Kickball team on campus. Then forgot about it. Then got an email today reminding me about it. I thought it was going to be really fun. The team playing before mine asked me to play because they were short on players and couldn't play. It was a lot of fun. Then my team got there. And it was suddenly no longer fun. That made me sad.

Monday, March 22, 2010


It has been a rainy year, followed by so many pleasantly wonderful days. On Thursday, it was my last day of school and the day it was suggested we go hiking. I readily agreed, and looking at the weather decided it would be a warm 70 degrees in the lower parts of the mountains - warm enough that all the snow should be gone (it hasn't snowed for at least 2 weeks). Friday came in all of its anticipated glory, and I put on shorts and sunscreen because 70 is pleasant weather. We looked up some trails in Forest Falls and set out on our adventure!! On our way up, we were all surprised to see snow on some of the hills. Must be the shady sides. So we park at the trail head, and the whole trail is under a couple FEET of snow. Feet. Becca wore sandals. After attempting to walk through it (rather unsuccessfully, I might add) we left. A little dejected - but still glad of the fresh air and freedom from classes. A complete underestimation of the cruelties of Southern California winter. Oh, you trixy snowy mountains you. Full of snow in MARCH!! March - really?
But being the tough girls that we were (did I mention we brought plenty of snacks?) we scoped out a great looking green hill to practice our Julie Andrews lyrics on. One such hill was found, and then the search for a road leading to it ensued. What did we find at the end of our road? Greenspot Farms: Open for tours and weddings. And Bees, apparently. Suddenly, the skies opened up, and California sought redemption in our eyes and we got a private tour - including petting two 2 3-week old horses (fouls?) and meeting a miniature horse couple, exploring a honey hive, eating fresh honey, triumphing a wicked hard hedge maze, and dominating a seesaw. These activities were followed shortly by a short hike up the green hill and singing happily.
Day 1 of Spring Break = massive success.

Monday, March 15, 2010


This might be the most fantastic band I have ever heard.Besides, maybe the Beach Boys.

Friday, March 12, 2010

I want to live here.

I watched A Good Year last night. It reminded me that all I want in life is to live in a French chateau. By a church like this.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I'm 22!

Lat week I turned 22. :)
So me and Jacki are twinners! I remember being twinners with her when I was 7 - it's always exciting, that time I realized it in church, and I danced in the hallway. But, as she likes to remind me - it won't last.
Anyway, here are 22 things I did in the last year!
1. Went to Paris (SURPRISE!), London, Rome, Amsterdam and Geneva.
2. Ate the most heavenly meals this world has to offer on a regular basis in Mandelieu.
3. Went back to Provo to visit brother #2 and his beautiful family.
4. Gambled!! For the first time!! (and subsequently lost, luckily it was only a dollar)
5. Went to the Cannes Film Festival!
6. Got accepted to Loma Linda University!
7. Started Dental Hygiene.
8. Went to Boston to visit my brother - decided to move there when I graduate.
9. Moved back home - decided my husband must be going to MIT.
10. Decided to get braces! Whoa.
11. Had my first foreign boyfriend.
12. Hiked down to Havasupai and back! WITH my sad knee. *proud moment*
13. Beat Grant in bowling - Twice. After he took a class.
14. Lost to Wes in Mini Golf. Sad Day. I'll seek my revenge.
15. Hosted a Valentine's weekend for my dear friend who got engaged!
16. Saw the Venice Beach Canals for the first time.
17. Quad riding for the first time.
18. Became the Activities Committee Chair.
19. Went to my first hockey game.
20. Started swimming. :)
21. Signed up and am taking a golf class.
22. Ate real Parisian pastries and French baguettes on a regular basis. I'll never be the same.

I'm excited to be 22. Besides 'being in the 20's' it seems like a fun year. This is my year of self improvement: Braces, exercise, wisdom teeth extractions, hearing test evaluations, classes, and church. My whole week of being 22 has served me well. I'm happy to be here. :)

Friday, March 5, 2010

I don't get it

I love reading, I always have. I will read just about anything. Heck, I even read Twilight. I just like to read. Words on paper make me soo happy. I endlessly read blogs, and books, and magazines. I read a book of survival scenerios last week. I don't even know why. But then, here is the thing, I hate when I am assigned reading. Suddenly it's a chore. I can't hate it more. I remember reading assignments in high school, I was loathe to read them. And they were some of my favorite books!! (A Tale of Two Cities, Of Mice and Men, and Dante's Inferno are some examples) This has always puzzled me. I can understand my dislike of reading text books (especially the ones that think they are funny. Physical science is not funny BYU. It's just not. Deal with it), but I hate being forced into novels.
So then the plot thickens, I also love to exercise. I love hiking, and biking, and swimming, and being outdoors. I'm not much of a sports person, but I genuinely enjoy moving about. So, you would think I would enjoy all my free exercise gym time and do whatever I want. But I don't. I get so overwhelmed with all the things I can do, I end up just leaving. To solve this I decided to start taking some classes - which I was afraid of because I hate when people force me to do things I like. But wouldn't you know it - I absolutely LOVE IT! I LOVE when the cycle guy yells at me to turn up the resistance. I love that I don't have to decide how many squats to do, or how much weight to do it with. There is someone, who - let's face it, has hardly anymore experience than me or anyone else in the class - has thought out all these ideas of what to do next. "Hill climb - 20 minutes, then sprints, and a few rollers at the end." How marvelous. So as I sit there thinking my legs are about to fall off, or maybe my lungs will explode, I'm as happy as a clam.
What is that about?!

Monday, February 22, 2010


I am finally being noticed for my supreme talent and beauty! As many of you may or may not know, I was roommates with BOTH Miss Provo AND Miss Sandy, plus to put icing on top Miss Cottonwood Canyon lived next door. I felt supremely left out. Miserable even. I have waited anxiously in vain for someone to acknowledge my clear advantages. I have waltzed around LA hoping to be discovered. I strolled the streets of Park City anxiously awaiting the recognition that I so justly deserve. Now after all these years, it has finally happened. I have been refferred to... wait for it... The NATIONALS MISS TEEN SAN BERNARDINO PAGEANT!!
That's right. In your face everyone who told me I would never make it. I'm on my way to victory. I will win the crown, I will wear the dress and I will graciously accept the award.
My 22nd birthday 2 days before the event will only serve as an obstacle that the judges will grade me very highly in overcoming. I am such an over-comer.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Birthday Month!!

I love my birthday month. It's the shortest month of the year, so it just feels extra special. After raining forever, the clouds finally parted and the sun shown to a brilliant 75 - 80 degrees all last week. It was just in time for a visit from my dear friend Emily and her fiancé Tyrone (and to be abandoned by my mother and father). We went out to LA to take some engagement pictures on the beach. I had never been to the Venice Beach Canals before, but they are very beautiful! Then on Valentine's day I made heart shaped biscuits for breakfast and had dinner with Jacki, Auntie and a friend. It was delicious! Auntie brought over most of the food, so it was also easy! I set the table (complete with red chargers and pink plates of course!) and added a pink and white flower arrangement (mom would have been so proud). I made crêpes later that evening, and watched West Side Story for the first time, oddly Jacki didn't want to join me for this... bizarre. On Monday, it was a HOLIDAY! and I was so happy to be out of school. I made a lasagna with fresh lemonade and garlic bread for lunch with me, Emily, Erika, Tyrone and Drew. The sun was shining and the birds were just chirping away. It was quite a lovely time. :) Seriously - birthday month is so awesome!
This week, I got to attend a fireside with Sister Bednar. I got there 30 minutes early, but was still sitting in the back row - until someone I didn't know asked me to come and sit with them in the comfy chairs at the front! Right in back of my dear friend Nola. Then Saturday was my ward's homemade Corn Dog party. I love corn dogs. I do. Followed by visiting my auntie and cousin and getting some frozen yogurt.
Today we're having the missionaries over for dinner (chicken enchiladas!!), and Thursday we are going to go to Elephant Bar for my birthday (I've never been, but I might switch it to Chipotle - we'll see), Friday is Vespers with some classmates and Saturday is my birthday party!
I have yet to find a flaw in this month (besides the 10 earthquakes a day - seriously, what is going on?) And am happy to call February the month of my birth. Glorious, wonderful month that it is!!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

So Sporty

Recently I have been trying to exercise more. I mainly want some awesome legs to support my weak knees so that I can go skiing. I thought I was doing pretty good, I even swam a mile this week. A mile! The first time I tried to swim laps, I was done at 5 (after I used the kickboard even). So hitting the 35 lap mark was really exciting for me. Also, I have been rocking my cycling class. I was feeling pretty good about myself. Then on Saturday, I remembered about the Super Bowl and the discounted grocery items. I bought 8 cases of soda, 4 bags of Cheetos, 2 bags of potato chips - and we're not even mentioning the Häagen Dazs. As I lazied about on Sunday, enjoying my restful day, eating some snacks, getting excited for Free Grand Slam Day at Denny's - I realized 4 of my classmates were running a marathon. That's like 10%. And I am eating 4 bags of Cheetos.
I feel I have a LONG road ahead of me.
That is how I normally swim...

Sunday, January 24, 2010


It has been raining like a monsoon lately. Like a MONSOON! Then yesterday, I awoke for another fun day of clinic fun to see snowflakes caressing my yard. While they only lasted about 5 minutes, I was a little excited for what that meant... a SNOW DAY! (Sometimes I like to use all caps - refrain from your judgments.) So today, I found all our sleds, washed them off (it was sunny and warm today YAY), and packed the car with friends and directions to Forest Falls - like I really need directions. But then, they closed every single road leading to any kind of mountainous region. Every road. Rude. Not hampered by this, we drove up to Yucaipa to do some cross country sledding (it was mostly flat - it was a random field), make a snowman, watch a 16 year old attempt to flirt with us, and make snow angels. Later we returned home for warm tapioca pudding, hot cocoa and rice (yea).
The best thing about snow days at home it that I get to leave the snow behind. In Utah it snowed, and you had to stay in it - for 6 months or so. But now, everything is wondrous. Plus, it was warm out. :)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

It's My One Year Anniversary!!

That's right! It's been a whole year. Exactly 365 days ago today, I stepped off a plane into Charles de Gaulle. I'll admit it was a tough day for me. I switched planes in Frankfort, so I arrived into Paris on the Domestic Flights wing. There was no one anywhere around, i didn't even go through customs. The only people I could see had machine guns. It was really cold. I had to walk through the entire airport about 3 times to figure out where I was. With 2 suitcases. I finally found my meeting spot for my shuttle, and the man didn't speak to me one time. He just picked me off and deposited me outside the Hôtel Etap. Once there, we had a few hours before dinner. I checked into my room to discover I was roommate-less. I tried to stay awake, then decided a nap would be a better use of time. I slept through 2 alarm clocks for dinner and awoke to someone banging on my door. After my first metro ride, I had soup for dinner, and realized I didn't really know anyone within a 5,000 mile radius. Only to return to the hotel more tired than ever. Just for clarification, the "hotel" is one step above a hostel. Barely. The shower is a cupboard in the room. I was all by myself. It was raining. The sheets were very low thread count. But none of that really mattered, I was in Paris. My first life goal was officially crossed off the list! I rode the Métro, I spoke French (albeit brokenly), I was living the dream. I had a Chanel scarf and a trench coat, and most importantly a beret. There was a promise of a baguette in the morning. A real Parisian baguette. Even typing this my mouth is watering. I think I miss the bread the most actually. Weird. But really, everyone should eat that bread everyday. Toast it, make it into a sandwich, put Nutella on it, put cheese on it (best idea ever) or just eat it plain. I LOVE bread.
One year ago today. Seems like soo long ago. Someday I will go back, and it will be even better.