Recently, I went to Boston and I love Boston.
But more than Boston, I love Maine.
I adore Maine.
Here are some highlights about Maine:It has two logos; 1. Vacationland and 2. The Way Life Should Be. Those have to be the coolest slogans ever. Also, they have a license plate that has a lobster and under the numbers it just says Lobster. I love lobster. It's like eating a dream. How AWESOME is that? It's fantastically wonderful and amazing.Also, to get to Maine from Boston you have to go through New Hampshire. Their license plate is Live Free or Die. Also epic.I'm jealous of all these cool state slogans and license plates. Suddenly the Golden State doesn't seem nearly as cool.
Additionally, as we were driving around Brian commented that he would love to live in a castle. Or a cathedral. Guess what we found for sale in Maine? A giant Cathedral. Yes, it is the land where dreams come true. And lastly, there is a 1700 lbs chocolate Moose. Yes. Yes, Maine is The Way Life Should Be.
Oh, Maine. How we love thee. I just enjoyed a gummy lobster yesterday and was thinking so fondly of our trip. I love that Libby is holding up just a claw... and it still has its rubber band on. Classic. And I love your lighthouse panorama shot. So fancy-shmancy. Come back soon so we can go again!