Saturday, July 21, 2012

Post Triathlon

For many people, waking up at 4:30 am and completing a triathlon is enough for one day. To them I say, Bah! After we drove back up to Boston, I dropped off Tyrel and put my bike away. I cleaned out the car, and put my foot up. I took a short nap, then headed out to Tanglewood for their 75th anniversary concert. I got there around 7:30 pm, and was told by the Yammy that I should park in the town and walk down because parking was a nightmare. I am positive he lied to me. It was one of the most brutal 2 mile walks of my life. I had my basically broken foot that was now swollen to twice the size of my right foot and I had a blister. I ended up taking off my shoes and walking the last mile barefoot. By the time I got to the concert, I was ready to never walk again. Sam had sandwiches and other picnic supplies set out. The concert was amazing! I saw John Williams, and Yo yo Ma. It was phenomenal. There was a violinist - Anne-Sophie Mutter, and I swear I have never seen anyone's hands move faster than hers did on that violin. Absolutely crazy. The concert finished sometime around 11 and we set off to NYC around midnight (stupid walk back was just as bad). Sam was flying out of La Guardia at 6 am, so we got some drinks and snacks and made our way south. After I dropped him off, I couldn't resist.
I just couldn't. I had to buy a cheesecake. Specifically a cheesecake from Juniors. I stuffed my severely over-sized feet into my little shoes, well I attempted to, but they were so swollen at this point that it would have defied the laws of physics. So I had to bend the backs of my shoes down and wear them like slippers. Pathetic. But I was determined to get that cheesecake and walking around without shoes really wasn't an option. I didn't risk it, I went ahead and got 2 raspberry swirl cheesecakes. I took an hour nap at a rest stop around Bridgeport, CT and was back in Boston around 11. After almost 32 hours, I finally crawled into bed and slept until 6 when I had a meeting with the bishopric. Probably one of the longest days of my life. Not probably, definitely. But really awesome and definitely worth it. Also, that cheesecake was absolutely delicious.

1 comment:

  1. JULIANNE!!! Thank you!!! I'm glad you made it home safe and sound. AND, thanks for the life favor!
