Thursday, April 2, 2009

What a Week!

My oh my, I knew I would get kind of busy in Paris, but this week has been pretty crazy! To start off, I had a Religion final, devotional, a walk to Sacre Coeur where I found out you are not allowed to sleep on the grass until April 15, RANDOM. But I got a 3 scoop gelato cone then FHE on Monday, on Tuesday I gave my politics presentation - complete with field trip!, I had to purchase a new Navigo card (silly French), then I went on a picnic at the Eiffel tower and went up the Arc de Triomphe, followed by getting locked out of my apartment. Ha ha, the neighbors even came out to see what I was doing. I looked like a homeless person for a good 20 minutes before the door started working again. Wednesday was art class at the Rodin Museum and the France Lithuania World Cup Qualifier game, plus I had to buy a new phone (My last one got lost somewhere between Colmare and Strasbourg) and a France jersey (which I found at a VERY shady store), and then today my TEN page paper for politics was due, which required a trip to Franprix for some snacks, where the cashier asked me all about the game (Thank you Adam for those little tidbits of knowledge!!) I finally felt accepted by the French people. Whew, and all this during beautiful weather!! I kept my windows open all day and basked in the sun as I finished up my paper. My view of Sacre Coeur is being obstructed by all the leaves on the trees. Tomorrow I have my French Oral Interview and then am heading out to Versailles to row a boat and have a picnic in the gardens. I'm also crossing my fingers for a travel buddy in May, I guess we'll see soon enough. This last picture is really random, and wasn't even taken this week. But I stumbled upon it and laughed and thought I should share it with the world. This was the last time me and Brooke went to Versailles and were trying on tiaras in the gift shop. I love Brooke. Ha ha.


  1. France looks so beautiful:) I wish I could experience a different country for a change...

  2. Glad to be of service. Hahahaha
