Wednesday, January 21, 2009

La Vie est Belle

Today was my favorite day so far! Everything about it was wonderful. I woke up and had some hot chocolate and bread, then got dressed and headed for Sacre Coeur, which you can see from one block up from my house. :) I look at it everyday as I walk home. It didn't rain a single time today! I met two girls in Montmartre and we toured and took pictures and ate crepes and had a wonderful time. The cathedral is absolutely gorgeous, augmented by the fact that it is where my favorite scene of Amelie takes place. Afterwards, we split up and I went to tour the 8eme arr. It is absolutely beautiful. Full of the most beautiful mansions I have ever seen in my life. And the Parc Monceau! It is not very far from my house and it is absolutely amazing. They have a pond and Greek ruins. Not sure why, but it's very pretty. After some random walking I found the Cathedral de Paris (also very close to my house) and a statue of Joanne d'Arc in the middle of a street. After that I got on the Metro to La Defense and looked at all the sculptures (that seems to be where they put all the really big/modern ones). I went into H&M and bought gloves for 70% off making them 2.30 E. Not a bad deal. *plus my hands were really, really cold, it was about 28 degrees today* I came home a satisfied lady. Then to top things off, we had a great dinner followed by ICE CREAM!! It was so exciting. :) La vie est belle.


  1. My mom and I went to that place, Montmarte I think. Did you see some guys there that were like trying to tie string to your finger? Anyways, pretty pics cousin

  2. H & M, ice cream....I'm so jealous.
