Thursday, January 29, 2009

Un Greve

There is a big strike today. "Black Thursday" as our Professor has decided to call it (He told us he found it in the newspaper, I don't believe him). Anyways, the embassy issued an email to all Americans in Paris urging them to stay out of the parade route and not take the metros or drive. The RER's and Metro's are running on about 20% capacity. Classes were canceled. Schools are closed. They told us to stay in our neighborhoods. Those of us in Paris, stay within a few blocks of home. This is not fun. I thought I would take this moment of boredom to showcase some of my better moments in Paris.
This was my favorite pastry so far. It was so pretty! and so tasty!!!This is from the bakery on my street. Extra exciting? I bit into it and it was filled with chocolate cream. :)
This was the first place I got hit on by a random stranger, and got asked to dinner and a 'personal tour of Paris'. I couldn't help but laugh as I walked away. This is the Tuileries btw.A pretty bridge leading to Les Invalides. On the only day so far the sun came out for more than 30 seconds.
Les Invalides: This is where Napoleon is. And everyone else in his family apparently. I hadn't know that going into it. There is also a Museum of the World Wars, an Army Museum, and a Charles de Gaulle Museum. This reminded me of a friend of mine, who does not in fact read this blog, but loves war history.
Eiffel Tower just after sunset. So pretty.
This is my favorite building, the Hotel de Ville. At night they turn sparkly lights on the roof. Why? Not sure, but it's awesome. And there is an ice skating rink in front of it in the winter. :) I love it. If only I had fulfilled my last year's dream of being a professional ice skater.


  1. I wouldn't mind being locked up for a day with one of those pastry treats! Glad to hear your having fun!

  2. Surely a talented cosmopolitan such as yourself can swirl around a few times on the ice. That is unless you have had a few too many of the pastries!
